The 30,000 Artificial Anthuriums at Lovely Place, Sua Peak, Inabanga, Bohol

Lovely Place at SUA peak is the newest tourist spot in the Province of Bohol. A garden with 30 thousands artificial Anthuriums. The most romantic place with overlooking Chocolate Hills and Cebu City .

Lovely Place with 30,000 Artificial Anthuriums

The beautiful scenery early morning at Lovely Place SUA peak attractions: 

  1.  The Sea of Clouds watching starts 5:30 - 7:00AM viewing
  2. The Chocolate Hills viewing
  3. The Cebu seas and the City viewing
  4. The Red Magical Artificial Anthuriums lighted at nights and day by sunlight. 
Lovely Place located at 8 km from Sagbayan along the highway to Danao, Bohol. 

Inviting everyone who are in Bohol and those who are visiting or planning to visit Bohol. 

If you are looking for cheap accommodations, you can try at hotels, pension houses and resorts in nearby areas. There also listings available on TravelBook.

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